Drug residues | Antibiotics hormones water filter
Pharmaceutical Residues in Drinking Water: How Antibiotics and Hormones Can Be Removed by Water Filters
Pharmaceutical residues, especially antibiotics and hormones, are a growing problem in our drinking water. Due to the frequent use of medications in human and veterinary medicine, more and more residues are entering our waters and ultimately our drinking water. These residues can affect the health of humans and the environment. An effective protection against these invisible dangers are special water filters that specifically remove antibiotics and hormones from the water.
Why Are Pharmaceutical Residues in Water Problematic?
Pharmaceutical residues such as antibiotics and hormones can have significant effects on the environment and human health even at low concentrations. Antibiotics in water contribute to the development of resistant bacteria, making the treatment of infections more difficult. Hormones, especially from birth control pills, can disrupt the hormonal systems of fish and other aquatic organisms, thereby endangering the ecological balance. These residues can also pose long-term health risks to humans.
How Do Antibiotics and Hormones Get into Drinking Water?
Medications are not completely broken down by the body after ingestion. A portion of the active ingredients is excreted unchanged through urine and thus enters wastewater treatment plants. However, conventional wastewater treatment plants are not designed to completely remove pharmaceutical residues, so they end up in rivers and lakes and ultimately in our drinking water.
Water Filters as a Solution
To protect yourself and your family from pharmaceutical residues in drinking water, modern water filters are an efficient solution. Special Activated Carbon Filter ULTRA-Filtration at 0.02 Microns can filter out antibiotics, hormones, and other pollutants from the water. These filters bind harmful substances and ensure that they do not enter the drinking water.
Pharmaceutical residues such as antibiotics and hormones in drinking water pose a serious threat. With special water filters, these residues can be effectively removed, allowing you to worry less about your health and that of your family. Invest in a high-quality water filter and make an important contribution to protecting your health and the environment.